attributes_name | String | Use either the pluralized or singularized model name with underscores and an _attributes suffix in order for ReactiveRecord to find the correct model. For a post resource that has many tag resources, you would write the pluralized 'tags_attribues' . For a apartment resource that belongs to a building resource, you would write the singular 'building_attributes' . | Yes |
unique_identifier | Any | The unique identifier behaves a lot like React’s pattern for key . It needs to be a unique identifier that is the same between each render. For persisted resources, use the ID or primary key attribute. For non-persisted resources, use any unique identifier such as Math.random() , so long as it is consistent between renders. | Yes |
resource | Instance of Model | Use an existing or new instance of the nested resource. For a new tag resource, use new Tag() . | Yes |